Ag Conservation Easement Program Boosting Environment and Economy on RFD-TV

Ag Conservation Easement Program Boosting Environment and Economy on RFD-TV

The Agricultural Conservation Easement Program: Preserving Farmland for Future Generations

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has recently announced the allocation of $138 million for the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program. The program aims to provide financial assistance to protect a variety of grasslands, wetlands, and farmlands through conservation easements.

Protecting Prime Agricultural Land from Development

As the land for farming is increasingly lost to development, it jeopardizes the nation’s food security. A significant amount of prime agricultural land is essential for producing high-quality food, and some wetland areas serve as an important habitat for grass, birds, and other water quality-related species. USDA’s Undersecretary for Farm Production and Conservation, Robert Bonnie, points out that the program helps to purchase the development rights from landowners to restrict development. This financial incentive encourages farmers to keep their land in agriculture while balancing the needs of the farmers and the environment.

Preserving Farmland Easements

The Agricultural Conservation Easement Program purchases easements that protect agricultural lands, grasslands, and wetlands. These easements act as permanent agreements between the landowner and USDA prohibiting the conversion of the land for non-agricultural purposes. A vast network of land trusts and private organizations partners with USDA to ensure the conservation of the protected lands.

Direct-to-Consumer Businesses and Agritourism

Farm Traveler is an initiative that aims to boost the connection between individuals, their food, and those responsible for growing it. Agritourism, direct-to-consumer business, and social media have made it easier than ever before to learn about the process of food production and support local farmers.

Agribusinesses You Can Try At Home

The Farm Traveler connects its audience with businesses that offer direct-to-consumer products that can be sampled at home. Small farms often produce specialty crops that cannot be found in supermarkets. Many of these farmers offer “community-supported agriculture” (CSA) programs where people receive a weekly delivery of fresh food at home. These farm fresh subscription services offer locally grown, seasonal, and healthy meals that support small farmers.

Visit Agritourism Sites With Your Family

Agritourism is a way to spend time with family and learn about the agricultural roots of our culture, showcasing how food production affects daily life. Families can visit farms, ranches, and vineyards to learn more about their food sources along with animal care, tours, and farm land operations.

New Technology Changing How Food is Grown

Technology is helping farmers become more productive and efficient in agricultural output. There are always new tools available for farmers that can change the way they are working. Precision farming technologies allow farmers to plan resources more strategically and efficiently, along with GPS technology and drones that help with mapping and monitoring the land. These technologies provide more information that can be used for decision-making to increase yield and decrease waste.


The Agricultural Conservation Easement Program is another step forward in protecting US agriculture. The protection of farmland is vital to secure our food supply and preserve our unique environmental habitats. An all-encompassing approach that includes funding for agricultural businesses, along with protection and conservation initiatives, is necessary to support our farmers and food production system for future generations.

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Agricultural Conservation Easement Program
Conserving Farmland

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