Streamline Your Legal Research with Practical Law US and Westlaw

Streamline Your Legal Research with Practical Law US and Westlaw

The Impact of Accessibility on Legal Technology

The Importance of Accessible Design

In today’s digital age, accessibility has become an increasingly pressing issue for businesses across every sector, including law. Too often, digital products and websites are not designed with accessibility in mind, leaving those with disabilities unable to access or use them properly. It is essential that legal technology companies prioritize accessible design to ensure everyone, regardless of their abilities, can access the necessary legal resources.

The Legal Implications of Poor Accessibility

Failing to prioritize accessibility in digital products can result in legal implications, such as violating disability discrimination laws. Law firms must ensure that their technology is designed with accessibility in mind to avoid any form of discrimination, especially given that accessible technology is now viewed as a human right by the United Nations.

The Benefits of Accessible Design

There are many benefits to accessible design beyond just avoiding legal implications. By creating accessible technology, law firms can reach a much wider audience and foster more inclusivity. Additionally, accessible design can improve the overall user experience by making the technology easier to navigate and understand. Firms can also demonstrate their commitment to accessibility to potential clients and employees by providing materials that everyone can use and access.

Best Practices for Accessible Design in Legal Technology

Keyboard-Only Navigation

Keyboard-only navigation is a crucial aspect of accessible design that is often overlooked. Allowing users to navigate through the technology using only their keyboards provides a more accessible option for those who cannot utilize a mouse or other navigation tools.

Color and Contrast Consideration

Color and contrast consideration is essential when designing for accessibility. Users with visual impairments require high contrast colors that are easy to see in order to navigate technology properly. By considering contrast ratios and using accessible color palettes, legal technology can be designed to better serve all users.

Clear and Consistent Navigation

In addition to providing keyboard navigation, legal technology must have clear and consistent navigation across all pages. Navigation must be easy to find, and all links must be labeled clearly and unambiguously. Avoiding pop-ups and other distracting interactions can also help users navigate with ease and efficiency.

Alt Tags and Image Descriptions

Alt tags and image descriptions are essential for those using screen readers to navigate technology. Adding descriptions and alt tags to images can provide users with context that they would otherwise not receive. By incorporating these tags, legal technology can become more inclusive and accessible to all users.


Designing legal technology with accessibility in mind should be a high priority for all firms in the modern age. Ensuring that digital products and websites are accessible to all users is not only the right thing to do but can also have positive legal and business implications. By adhering to best practices and making accessibility a priority, legal technology can be designed to foster inclusivity and help all users access the resources they need.

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